Below are some Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about PYT Networks and how to get and stay connected.
Q: Who can sign up for this service from PYT Networks?
A: You must be a Pascua Yaqui Tribal member and have a PYT Tribal Member number to sign up. You also have to reside in our service area. Click here to view our service area.
Q: How much do I need to pay for this service?
A: This service will be COMPLIMENTARY to PYT Tribal Members only, until further notice. The Pascau Yaqui Tribe is committed in offering this service free of charge to their Tribal members for as long as possible. You will be given 60 days’ notice of any charges in the future and be given time to OPT OUT at that time before any charges are billed. A WiFi router is provided for service by PYT Networks at no cost to end user and PYT Networks retains ownership of router.
Q: How do I sign up and schedule an installation?
A: First, your residence must be in the PYT Networks service coverage area. Click here to verify. If your residence is located in the service coverage area, go to or call (833) 364-0593 to sign up for service and schedule an installation. A no cost site survey will be performed to verify service availability prior to installation.
Q: Is there a deadline to sign up?
A: NO. There is no deadline to sign up. The only current published deadlines are to qualify for the Amazon gift card sign up incentive for each community.
Q: When are installations taking place?
A: Current installation schedule:
- PYT Reservation: Currently installing
- Guadalupe: Currently installing
- Old Pascua: Starting 11/11/24
- Tortuga: TBD
- Barrio Libre (Milagros): TBD
- Marana: TBD
- Coolidge: TBD
Q: How long will the installation take? Do I need to be there while it’s installed?
A: Outside and inside should take two (2) hours at the maximum. Yes you, or another authorized adult, will need to be there. We will most likely need to install an antenna on the eve of your home, run network line on the exterior of the home, and drill a hole through an exterior wall to run the network line into your home. A site survey will most likely be conducted prior to installation to determine line of sight, meaning that a clear, straight path between a transmitting antenna typically on a tower and a receiving antenna when unobstructed by the horizon. The site survey must be successful for installation to take place.
Q: Who is performing the installation and what to expect?
A: PYT Networks has certified and qualified installers performing installations at your residence. Each installer is required to have a PYT Networks badge with a verification number and a verification phone number for anyone to call and verify identity. Our installers will complete a thorough installation, show you how to connect your devices to your WiFi network, and leave technical support documents behind for future reference.
Q: What if I rent/lease my residence from PYT Tribal housing or a private party?
A: If you are a renter, it is your responsibility to obtain permission from your landlord or homeowner for these modifications. If you are in Tribal Housing, please contact the PYT Housing Department for approval if you haven't received prior notifications from PYT Housing. PYT Housing will follow standard procedures in contacting tenants regarding any mandatory installations.
Q: What if I already have Internet service?
A: Once your new FREE service is turned on you may want to cancel your other service.
Q: What if I move after the service is installed?
A: You should leave the equipment on the outside and in the inside of your house.
Q: What if either the outside antenna or inside wi-fi router is damaged or lost?
A: You are responsible for loss or damage that is not caused by weather. Replacement cost is $250.00 for the outside antenna and $100.00 for the Wi-Fi router.
Q: How do I contact technical support?
A: Please contact our 24/7 Customer Support Center at 833-364-0593. (Limited service between midnight and 6am. Depending upon where you are calling from some phone companies require the 1 to be dialed in front of the tech support number.)
Q: How do I connect my modem/router?
A: 1. Plug in the power cable for the wireless router into the power outlet and router. Locate the green cable and plug it into the RJ45 Jack port in the wall and then into the POE port on the POE. Then, plug the blue cable into the POE LAN port and then into your router’s blue WAN port. (See graphic for setup).

2. Wait at least 30 to 60 seconds, and make sure the lights on your router are working correctly.
Q: How do I connect to the WiFi?
A: The process for connecting to a WiFi network will vary slightly depending on what type of computer or device you’re using, but any system will require these basic steps:
1. Locate your computer’s network settings, and search for nearby WiFi networks.
2. Select your network (SSID), and enter your password. Your network (SSID) and password information is located on a label on the back of your wireless modem/router that was installed. Passwords are case sensitive.
3. If the connection is successful, open your web browser and try navigating to a webpage like If the page loads, it means your WiFi connection is working correctly.
Q: Why is the tribe building this network and offering this service?
A: The tribe believes that high-speed Internet is a necessary utility that all members living on the Reservation should have access to. Particularly, during pandemic times it is imperative that children can conduct school online and those that need to work remotely are able to do so. The technology is a fixed wireless network, which is quicker to build and a more cost-effective solution to get PYT members connected to the Internet. It does require a "direct line of sight" from the tower antenna to the antenna installed on residential units. Existing structures, trees, and foliage may prevent some residences from receiving the service.
Q: Is this 5G service and should I be worried about health of safety?
A: The wireless service we install operates on 5Ghz frequency which is a commonly used for fixed wireless internet around the country. This 5Ghz frequency should not be confused with 5G technology which some cellular providers are beginning to use in their networks.